Pro Bono and Not-For-Profit Company Representations

Mr. Bogen regularly provides pro bono or deeply discounted rates to various causes and not-for-profit organizations. He has established multiple not-for-profit corporations, including obtaining 501(c)(3) status, with a variety of missions, including, healthcare companies, theater companies, international aid organizations, and “friends of” companies. His experience covers director and officer issues, private inurement, and organizational and finance matters, including tax exempt bonds. Representations have included:
Free Internet Service Company
Free Internet Service Company dedicated to ending the digital divide and extending high-speed, reliable internet to all New Yorkers. Mr. Bogen worked with the founders of this not-for-profit corporation to form the entity, obtain 501(c)(3) status, and to negotiate roof leases.
Not-for-Profit Provider of Comprehensive Services for Elderly
Not-for-Profit Provider of Comprehensive Services for Elderly including a complete network of home care and community-based services with the overarching goal of helping seniors live with dignity and independence and avoid institutionalization. Mr. Bogen works on various patient/client related issues.
Free Program / Service for Matching Friendly Physicians with Patients
Free Program/Service for Matching Friendly Physicians with Patients who desire non-medical guidance. Mr. Bogen advised on certain compliance issues and prepared template agreements for participants in the program.
Free Work-Training and Placement Program for People with Certain Disabilities
Free Work-Training and Placement Program for People with Certain Disabilities. Mr. Bogen assisted with organizational and governance issues, preparation, and negotiation of contracts with funding sources and with companies who hire the trained individuals.